Put This in Your Pipe
Big news in the Alleghany News this week. After much speculation that the Dr. Graybow pipe factory was going to be shut down and moved, now comes word that it has been bought by a guy from New Zealand who plans to move here permanently.
Ever wonder how a pipe factory came to be located in Alleghany County anyhow? Seems that during WWII there was a shortage of briar roots used for making the bowls. Mountain ivy (laurel) stumps make a fine substitute and we've always had a bunch of these here abouts. So, as they say, Mohammed came to the mountain and Dr. Graybow has been here ever since.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
Ever wonder how a pipe factory came to be located in Alleghany County anyhow? Seems that during WWII there was a shortage of briar roots used for making the bowls. Mountain ivy (laurel) stumps make a fine substitute and we've always had a bunch of these here abouts. So, as they say, Mohammed came to the mountain and Dr. Graybow has been here ever since.
Now put that in your pipe and smoke it.
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