Flush That Bile Away

According to a piece in the latest edition of Alleghany News, National Gall Bladder Flush Week is upon us. Honest Indian. Would I lie to you about a thing like that?

Seems you can reduce the risk of losing your gall bladder by flushing it twice a year by something called soft tissue manipulation at reflex points "to stimulate the automatic nervous system which controls in part the organ system of the body." Hmmm. Kind of makes you wonder which soft tissues and which organs are involved, doesn't it?

Just what is bile anyhow? Well, on the list of Dave's Top Ten Most Disgusting Words, bile is easily Number 3. (Strangely, bile is immediately follow in my dictionary by bilge, the Number 4 word on the list.) The dictionary sez bile is a bitter, greenish fluid secreted by the liver and stored in the gall bladder for discharge into the duodenum (the thing that connects your tummy to your jejunum) to aid in the digestion of Big Macs and other fatty things. Now, I freely admit I've never had the misfortune of tasting bile and, as such, I'll take Mr. Webster's word for it in a heartbeat.

Gotta go. I feel the urge to flush.



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