In the News

Well, the retired Russian lady is back in the Alleghany News Want Ads this week with her language and music lessons. I'm not certain how well the ad is working because I don't hear a soul speaking Russian when I was down in Sparta yesterday.

There is a new ad this week for pet goats, just weaned, for $15-$25. You know, Sam just might like to have one of 'em as a pet's pet. Billy or nanny, Sam?

I'm not the only one who believes spring is on the way. Some feller has placed an ad offering to plow and disc gardens in the Sparta, Twin Oaks and Piney Creek areas of the county.

In a separate ad, a tree service offers "hazardous tree removal". Now, I'm familiar with oaks, maples, pines, etc. but I've never actually encountered a hazardous tree. Must be some kind of tree related to the kudzu vine.

And, finally, Radford University up in Radford, VA is accepting proposals for projects funded by the King Endowment which supports initiatives to improve the mental well-being of folks in the area, including Alleghany County. Think I'll sign up as an improvement volunteer for one of the initiatives. What do you think?


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