What's Not in the News

Well, last Saturday's fire might not have been as a big deal as we thought. Indeed, it didn't make this week's edition of the Alleghany News.

The Air Bellows fire was beat out by a piece on National Colorectal Cancer Awarness Month with instructions on how to get a colonoscopy at the Alleghany Memorial Hospital. Being of a certain age, I can certainly identify with the importance of the Silver Snake, but getting beat out by another piece announcing a new general manager at Alleghany Chevrolet, well, that really frosts my cake.

I had written an effusive Letter to the Editor on Monday about the Alleghany County emergency services and sent it in by email. Alas, even that didn't make the paper. Instead, where I expected to find my missive was a big box with lots of whitespace giving the correct procedures for submitting a Letter to the Editor. Column inches was clearly not the issue. Email, it seems, is not yet a suitable means of submission to a newspaper first published in 1889. If you cannot pay for your subscription with plastic over the phone, why would I ever have thought that you could submit a Letter to the Editor by email? Dummy me.

The story in this week's paper that I don't mind is a short one on Rose Gambill, Alleghany County's most elder resident who celebrated her 105th birthday on March 8. There's something to be said about our good old mountain water and air. And, I'll bet you that Rose has never had a colonoscopy!


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