60th Birthday Bike

As an early 60th birthday present to myself, I've purchased a mountain bike! It's a Novara Aspen 26" hardtail from REI.

2006 Novara Aspen Bike from REI The CFO could only shake her head, smile, and ask "Can you possibly think of any other ways to spend money?" I assured her that I could. As justification for my purchase, I explained that she had already ordered a Lounge Lizard for my birthday and that (1) I waited for REI's Spring Sale in order to (2) use the 20% Off-Any-One-Item coupon for the bike. Nevertheless, she remains fixated on the other 100%-20% = 80% part of the latest investment in my health and well-being, despite the obvious fact that the 20% discount will more than pay for the Lounge Lizard, making it an absolutely free-of-charge birthday gift from her.

Can you ever make a CFO happy?

Sam and I are working on conditioning our legs now and have a goal to eventally ride into Sparta and back without the necessity of assistance from the Alleghany EMS.


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