Off the Payroll

I woke up sometime in the middle of the night with the sudden realization that we no longer have a school, college or university on the payroll. What a wonderful feeling!

When the CFO and I started out with children, our goal was that they ultimately become responsible adults capable of making it through life independently of us. As a secondary goal we hoped all three would graduade from college to help make their journey a little easier and, hopefully, more enjoyable.

Matt, at 25, just graduate in May from the culinary program at AB Tech in Asheville. He and Amelia are still living in Asheville where he is now employed as a chef. Matt wasted little time in finding his way back to a trout stream following graduation.

April, at 28, graduated from NCSU in accounting and is a CPA working for an accounting firm in Raleigh. She enjoys yoga and her dog, Dana.

Laura, at 30, graduated from UNC-by-the-Sea (UNC-W) in recreational management and is now the Aquatics Director at the YMCA is Baltimore, MD. She and her husband, Ed, enjoy the great outdoors, snowboarding and hang gliding. (Laura is also attending Towson State University -- on her own nickel -- where she is working toward a degree in Graphic Arts.)

Our parenting is done!


We are really enjoying our children as adults. Indeed, it's a lots more fun to eat crabs and drink beer with them on the waterfront in Annapolis than it was to sit through soccer game #5437 in the pouring rain at the Soccer Center in North Raleigh.

Grandchildren? Who knows. Right now it's 3 grandcats and 2 granddogs. And, that's cool.


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