The Greatest Mystery

Now, folks, I can do calculus and have a respectable handle on Newtonian physics. I can explain entropy and know the difference between Gibbs and Helmholtz free energy. But, computer networking is waaaaaaay beyond my understanding.

The CFO has a nasty habit of making changes to the computer running the weather station in ways that cause the weather station to malfunction. So, the idea is to remove the monitor, keyboard and mouse and operate the computer remotely through a wireless network connection on my laptop. So, it's off to the computer store where I'm assured that all I have to do is plug a little USB widget into each of the the two computers and I'm done. Piece of cake.

Two nights and many "gosh darns" later I'm the proud new owner of a copy of a book entitled "Wireless Home Networking for Dummies". The widgets now are talking to one another, but the computers and their files are still complete strangers. Gosh darned.

How is it that a high-school dropout with a bolt stuck through a hole in his tongue and purple hair on his head can do networks so effortlessly? It's enough to make me want to go out and have my scrotum pierced and a ring inserted into each testicle.

On further reflection, maybe I'll just finish reading the book.


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