The Little River Grill

The Little River Grill is a neat little place on the way into Sparta and, after playing golf on Saturday, the boys and I had lunch there. Parking was something of a problem because the lot was packed with Harley-Davidson hogs. The paying customers wore enough tatoos to cover the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. So, there the four of us were, decked out in our golfing togs, rubbing elbows with highly decorated bikers in jeans and leathers over lunch. I felt so inadequate.

Tiki Sparks, who owns the place with her husband Gary, came over to take our drink order personally. No beer. Seems their temporary permit issued March 16 has been revoked and application for a permanent permit was rejected May 23 on account of their being classified as a "detriment to the community" by the Alleghany County Sheriff's Department. According to Tiki, however, it was on account of them "just having a little fun" and she wore the detrimental tag with a certain amount of pride. But, according to the North Carolina ABC Board, it was because The Little River Grill has accumulated two pages of violations in a just a couple of months of operation, including permitting loud disturbances after hours, allowing public urination on the premises, consumption of alcohol by employees (including both Tiki and Gary) while on the job, numerous counts of serving minors, serving an intoxicated customer, and other violations I've since forgotten.

The lady at the ABC Commission thought that perhaps Tiki and Gary might not be cut our for running a beer joint. I think she just might be about right. Gosh darn it, I don't think enjoying a beer at The Little River Grill will ever be in the cards.


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