Let It Grow

Yes, it's official. Hair down to there. We're underway and here's what to expect, folks.

Hair grows in three cyclical phases. The first, anagen, is the growth phase, lasting about 1000 days. The second, catagen, is the rest phase, lasting 10 days. And, the final, telogen, is the shedding phase, lasting about 100 days. Then, the whole process starts over, repeating itself again and again until you die. That means, at 60 years of age, I've already gone through something like 20 cycles.

(This also explains why nose hairs return even when you pluck them out. The hair folicle "knows" the hair has somehow gone missing and automatically returns to the anagen phase and grows a new one.)

Now, hair grows at about 1/100 of an inch a day on average. So, that means your hair can be no longer about 10 inches on average. Folks with hair way down to there have higher growth rates or longer anagen periods or both. And, the older you get, the harder it is to grow hair. Indeed, not just everybody can have a Tiny Tim do.

So, I'm aiming for the average length of 10 inches. That means some of the 100,000, or so, strands of hair on my head should be there in about 3 years, and all of them in about 6 years.

Sure wish I had started earlier!

Ain't Tiny beautiful?



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