Right Brained/Left Brained

On the matter of this right brained - left brained thing, I've come to the conclusion my entire life has been a battle between the two hemispheres. My schooling, from the first grade of elementery school through graduate school at the university, was almost entirely left-brained in nature with logical thinking, analysis, and accuracy at its root. But, from an early age, my right brain has been screaming to take over with aesthetics, feeling, and creativity. And, for the most part, I've felt a need to subdue the right side somewhat during my professional career.

But, now that my lifescape has changed, I'm thinking that the right side of my brain and I are, as an old Negro spiritual goes,

Free at last! Free at last!
Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!
Wouldn't it be a hoot to be a Hippie one more time?

Attaboy, Right Brain!

Left Brain, go take a hike and quite ruinin' our life.


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