Hens & Chicks

While driving home after playing golf today (86 and please don't ask) I was obliged to come to a complete halt on Waterfall Road as two wild turkey hens came strutting out of the tall grass. They stopped in the middle of the road and returned to the thicket. Strange, I thought and so it was I waited. In a few seconds here they come again with eight or ten poults (at this time of year about the same size as a mature grouse) following behind in a line. What a beautiful sight!

They climbed the bank on the other side of the road and ducked underneath the barbed wire fence, Soon spooked, however, hens and poults all take to the air together. The chicks were more nimble than the hens in flight and I was amazed at how well the poults could fly as they rose to roost in a mature maple tree.

Lasting not more than 60 seconds, this simple pleasure was easily the highlight of my day and the memory of it will last for years.

I had no camera with me and can only replay it in my mind. Yet, even with camera in hand, this is about all I could have hoped to have shown you. Wild turkeys are even more camera shy than me!


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