What Nerve

Well, I'll well into the tile work on the fixer-upper townhouse and this morning I finally justified (in my mind, anyhow) the purchase of a tile saw. So, off I go to Lowe's with my collection of return items (the funding part of the justification, you understand). I'm looking at their saws (amazingly 6 or more kinds) and the one I want/need is $88 but I have only $46 and change in returns on my Lowe's store credit card. Then I look down and see a returned saw in the original box for sale at half price, $44! So, for 92 cents out of pocket I have the tile saw of my dreams.

Why half price? Someone bought the saw, used it for their tile project, carefully repackaged it in the original box and returned it for credit as unused. The blade was quite worn and some of the non-essential accessories were missing. What a jerk!

Lowe's included a new blade ($28 and without my asking) with the used saw and made me a happy camper. Still, it bothers me that folks do things like this, especially with an outfit like Lowe's Home Centers that bends over backwards to help you with a generous return policy ... that some creep abuses.

By the way, I still have a few slave labor positions open for this project. The applicant should have a dim mind, strong back, and be willing to work for long hours without overtime pay. A blood test for recent use of recreational drugs will not be required of the applicant but smoking on the job is a no-no. Call me.


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