For Sale

Having been accepted as an official Artist/Vendor of Alleghany Arts & Crafts, I drove into town today to tag my pieces with vendor number, piece number and price. That was something of a shock considering that I've never sold any artwork.

I've given some pieces away, yes, but I've always refused to accept money for them. Giving away a little piece of your soul it seems is much easier than selling it. Still, the idea of Alleghany Arts & Crafts is to sell stuff and using the rationalization that I have no place to put anything, I bit the bullet and crossed over the threshold into commercial art. And, so it was with a certain reluctance that I wrote a selling price on each tag as all the while a little voice kept pounding in my brain that once having established you are a whore, the only thing left is to negotiate the price.

I took a new piece entitled "Appalachian Sunrise" with me to display. It uses galvanized roofing and wood from a shipping pallet for the background with various pieces of junk metal to create the sunrise over the mountains. The whole thing is viewed through a old window sash with four of the six pieces of glass missing. I like the piece but was reminded that each of my pieces must be review by the jury because they are a little on the eccentric side for Sparta. I promised not to bring them a Jasper Johns "Target" just yet!

But ... hmmmm ... maybe ... just maybe ... I will sooner than later.


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