The Rose Gardener

It's been hotter than Hades here in the flatlands this past weekend. Not that the azaleas and dogwoods seem to mind. Global warming?

The cash registers ... OK, the credit card scanners ... were really singing at the garden centers this weekend. If it was green, somebody would buy it.

Our favorite "gardener" was this bimbo dressed midafternoon in high heels and a party dress over a black slip. Her husband, dressed in gardening clothes, was busy unloading a cart full of roses and other plants at the checkout. She explained, unsolicited and to anyone who would listen, that she owned about 300 rose plants. Therefore, she could not possibly work because she had to stay home and tend to the roses. Judging from the lack of calluses on HER hands and the large brass ring through HIS nose, she stayed at home and decided how he would be tending the roses come next Saturday. She was, as they say, a "kept woman".

I noticed that she had some varicose veins in her legs. The CFO noticed that she had dark roots in her blond hair.

As for him, it was as classic example of one suffering least who suffers what one chooses.

I drove home humming that old Joe South number that goes:

"I beg your pardon,
I never promised you a rose garden."

What a tart.


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