Mount Jefferson

Well, it cannot be cloudy forever. So, with a forecast of partially cloudy skies and a 10% chance of rain, The Donald and I decided to give Mount Jefferson a try on Friday.

This mountain is part of the North Carolina park system. It looks like a park but is called a wilderness area. You can drive to near the top and hike a loop trail along the ridge line between two peaks. The marked peak is at an elevation of 4600 feet.

The views are quite nice, especially without leaves on the trees.

The wildflowers were in less profusion than on Buck Mountain but we did find some beautiful Bloodroots in bloom.

On the way there we saw many wildflowers along Roan Creek that follows NC 88 for a number of miles.

This is, I believe, the largest Trout Lilly blossom I've ever seen!

Rain did manage to fall on our parade after the hike on Mount Jefferson when we managed to lose The Donald's camera with all his photographs in it. A dismal ending to an otherwise beautiful day.



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