Uh Oh!
When I arrived on the mountain last Monday, the sun was shining and there were some sure signs of spring in the air. The high meadows were tinted a pale green. The lungwarts and heart-leafed berginia had poked through the ground and were in full bloom. The daffodils were at their peak. The serviceberry trees with their white blossoms dotted the mountainsides. The leaves of irises and Lenten roses were racing skyward in their rites of springtime renewal. I even brought out the potted rosemary plant for the year.
When I awoke this morning the temperature outside was 14°F and the ground was white with a dusting of snow. The new fish pond in which Sam Walton, 28 Cents and Plain Jane are resident had ice over the top. Uh Oh!
It's not uncommon to have a cold snap in April on the mountain. Most plants recover nicely but the apple crop is in real danger if the blossoms become frozen.
As for Suzy Q, well, she sez "No way you are gonna get me out in that stuff!"
It's all just a gentle reminder that spring on the mountain really begins mid-May.
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