A Broken Spring

The weather has been downright weird on the mountain this spring. This morning, May the 18th, the temperature was 38°F, just six degrees above freezing.

The plants are totally confused. The freeze several weeks ago killed many flower buds and plants. Others died back and are only now reemerging. A few were unfazed by the whole thing and others seem to have thrived on it.

Anyhow, the Catawba rhododendrons are now in bloom and are gorgeous.

It's still to early for the Great and Mountain Laurels.

The Flame Azaleas,including the two near the house, are at peak right now.

Locally they are called Wild Honeysuckle because of the similarity of the blossoms.

The Crested Irises are about done for the year. They were outstanding.

But, the hybrids are just now coming into bloom.

These Snow on the Mountain will be with us for most of the summer.

It's said that a weed is nothing but a flower that you don't want and this Dandelion is no exception.

We often see the pollen flowers on the Mugo Pines but this is the first cone we have seen.

The tiny Sweet Woodruff struts it's stuff.

And, a pair of uncertain lineage round out the blossom roundup.

This spring may be broken but it's still beautiful!


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