
Wonderful stuff, SPAM. No, not the email kind but SPAM, the canned meat kind made by Hormel since 1937. Yup, 70 years of SPAM.

Unlike hot dogs and such, SPAM contains no pig snouts, lips, or ears. Just pork shoulders (about 90% of the meat) and ham (the remain 10% or so) with a pinch of salt, sugar and sodium nitrate. No -- zero -- fillers, nothing but pure porcine delight. And, unlike most meat products, SPAM can be stored at room temperature indefinitely because it is sealed and then cooked in an air-tight can before being shipped. The ultimate foodstuff for an army in the field.

It was, in fact, a major provision in WW2, and as a result of having eaten so much of it as a soldier, my Father refused for the stuff to be served in our house. Accordingly, we could partake of it only when he was away.

When in town yesterday to buy groceries, I encountered cans of SPAM in retro 70th anniversary labels. Buy three can and get a free SPAM T-shirt! Now, who could possibly turn down an offer like that? SPAM sandwiches and a really cool SPAM T-shirt. So I did and the free (except for $3.00 postage and handling and a $0.41 stamp on a #10 envelope) T-shirt is on the way.

Now, the standard SPAM sandwich is a slice of SPAM about 1/8-inch thick, browned on both sides in a skillet and served between halves of a slice of white bread. A slathering of mayonnaise is optional. The slice of SPAM exactly fits the half slice of bread and, like a tomato sandwich, you don't eat them. You inhale them, and I inhaled a few for dinner last evening.

Sam also goes nuts over SPAM. If you want her undivided attention, just open a can of SPAM and she will follow you anywhere. It would have been a great treat when training her as a puppy.

I also had SPAM sandwiches for lunch today. However, this time I cooked them in the Oklahoma Joe. Even better!

Should you think SPAM unfashionable, it's carried in over 99% of all grocery stores. Every second of every day of every year, 3.8 cans are consumed. And, more SPAM is consumed per person in Hawaii than in any other place in the world!


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