The Gods Must Be Angry

Are people throwing Coca Cola bottles out of airplanes again? Must be because, if the weather is any indication, the gods sure are angry . It was 83°F on the mountain yesterday after being 24°F just a few weeks ago. The poor plants are so confused.

In the last few days, the leaves have been bursting out of their sockets. Here's a witch hazel.

Flowers both wild and domesticated are having another go at blooming around the house.

The fiddlehead ferns and Little Brown Jugs (wild ginger) are doing their spring thing.

The wild violets and little yellow flowers that I "borrowed" from the golf course are happy, happy, happy.

On the domesticated side, the Bishop Hats, Tiarella, and European Wood Anemone (Wind Flowers) are blooming.

Even the Lupine, which I had given up for gone, have returned. They'll bloom this summer if the deer don't eat them first.

But the sign of spring that gives me most hope that winter has finally passed are the Crested Irises, the wildflower that I hold to be the most beautiful of them all.


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