
Late in the afternoon today I visited with Murphy at the veterinary hospital. He still had all his parts and we spent three quarters of an hour working on standard commands. Murphy is indeed a well trained dog a tad out of training. A backslider, if you will. But he'll come around quickly once we get him home.

I'm now thinking Murph is closer to two years of age than three. Whatever the age, he's a prince of a dog.

Anyhow, when I got home, Sam gave me a sniff and a look that said, "You've been messing around with another dog!".

Meanwhile, down in the Hillside Garden we now have the first bloom on the tomato plants. It's on a German Johnston, but the Better Boys are closing fast. The blackberries are getting fat but are a few weeks away from becoming part of a pie.

And, I found a whole colony of doodlebugs! If the soil looks a little gray, well, there was this fire last summer and ....

As kids, we would "fish" for the doodlebug larvae in their conical indentions with a small twig while reciting the rhyme:

"Doodle bug, doodle bug, your house is on fire.
Get a cup of coffee and come out."

Hmmm. I'd forgotten that. Think I'll go fishing first thing tomorrow morning!


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