Air Bellows Live

Not that you would ever have need, but you can now watch the Air Bellows Webcam online live.

In theory the frame refresh rate is every second. In practice, the best is about every 5 seconds because the poor old box I'm using as the weather and image broadcaster just ain't fast enough for everything it is being asked to do. This is particularly true at the beginning of a visit.

The viewer itself is an ActiveX component that will be downloaded the first time you visit. It was written by the folks at PYSoft who produced the Webcam software I've been running for a number of years and is safe to use. (Sorry, Mac users, no pictures for you.)

So, if you are of a mind to, just click here and it's all yours to see. Who knows, you may catch Suzy Q trying to catch a hummingbird or perhaps even Dave taking an afternoon snooze in the Lounge Lizard!

If I ever get smart enough, the long-term plan is streaming video. But for now, enjoy live "snapshot" video of the mountains.

Hey! Life is slower here.


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