Crow Fight!
The blackberries are ripening with regularity these days and the few that I've tasted are might good. Trouble is, you see, the crows love 'em, too! All I get are the ones they cannot get to.
I was wondering who was eating my berries. Then, while sitting on the deck one afternoon, all hell broke loose down below. Crow fight!

From the screams you would think one or more of them were mortally wounded. By the time I got down to the Hillside Garden, they had flown to perches in the trees, complaining loudly about my presence. And, about my eating their blackberries!
The American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) does far more good than bad, eating carrion and a great many insect pests. They also eat berries (like my blackberries) and spread their seeds. Noisy and boisterous but smart and adaptive, crows are a hoot to watch. I'm glad to have them as neighbors here on the mountain.
I was wondering who was eating my berries. Then, while sitting on the deck one afternoon, all hell broke loose down below. Crow fight!

From the screams you would think one or more of them were mortally wounded. By the time I got down to the Hillside Garden, they had flown to perches in the trees, complaining loudly about my presence. And, about my eating their blackberries!
The American crow (Corvus brachyrhynchos) does far more good than bad, eating carrion and a great many insect pests. They also eat berries (like my blackberries) and spread their seeds. Noisy and boisterous but smart and adaptive, crows are a hoot to watch. I'm glad to have them as neighbors here on the mountain.
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