Here's Your Sign

The Donald and his Lovely Bride have just returned from an extended sojourn across the US of A in their new motor coach that would make any rock and roll band envious and they had the opportunity to visit a goodly number of barbecue joints along the way. Now he already knew to keep on going if the joint didn't have woodpile, but here's some other might fine points he picked up along the way this trip:

1. Good barbecue can be found in cities; great barbecue exists only in small towns.

2. Stacks of wood are a good sign. Messy stacks, suggesting constant turnover, are better.

3. Any barbecue advertised on a billboard is automatically suspect. (But a hand painted roadside sign is promising.)

4. A joint named after the owner is always a good sign.

5. Plenty of smoke in the air is a must. Otherwise the place may be using a gas rotisserie and just throwing on a few logs for a little flavor.

6. While it is possible to find good barbecue along an Interstate, it is highly unlikely.

Thanks, Don. How about some pictures, names and addresses and such of your favorite joints? Barbecue, of course, does not travel very well, but maybe you could bring back of bottle or two of the smells next trip.


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