Our Sunday Hike
The CFO and I hiked another section of the Mountain-to-Sea Trail today, from the Basin Creek Overlook on the Parkway, down to Grassey Gap. This section of the trail runs through a mixed pine and hardwood forest and is not terribly scenic. But, we got some exercise and the dogs got lots of exercise, running the trail back and forth at breakneck speeds the whole time. Both Sam and Murphy are now pooped pups, knocked out on the deck as I write. Sam is snoring but the only sign of life from Murphy is slow, almost imperceptible breathing. Mission accomplished!

We did see some quite large white pines along the trail. My guess is that these have been standing since the land was acquired for the Parkway. (P.S. Turns out, according to the topo map, that we were on Pine Mountain. Duh!)
Along Miller Road in Grassey Gap, we say Turk's-cap Lilies that were perhaps seven feet tall and loaded with blossoms unopened, opening and fully opened. Quite a sight!

And, at the opposite end of the spectrum are these Indian Pipes that the CFO found yesterday. Maybe three inches tall, they have no chlorophyll in the stalks, leaves or flowers. A saprophyte, Indian Pipes live in deep forest shade. They can be easily confused with fungi, but aren't. Oddly enough, they are a part of the Heath family of plants.

We did see some quite large white pines along the trail. My guess is that these have been standing since the land was acquired for the Parkway. (P.S. Turns out, according to the topo map, that we were on Pine Mountain. Duh!)
Along Miller Road in Grassey Gap, we say Turk's-cap Lilies that were perhaps seven feet tall and loaded with blossoms unopened, opening and fully opened. Quite a sight!

And, at the opposite end of the spectrum are these Indian Pipes that the CFO found yesterday. Maybe three inches tall, they have no chlorophyll in the stalks, leaves or flowers. A saprophyte, Indian Pipes live in deep forest shade. They can be easily confused with fungi, but aren't. Oddly enough, they are a part of the Heath family of plants.

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