The King Fish
The hummingbirds have been at it all day long. Dozens of 'em. Screaming at each other. Dive bombing, strafing, making kamikaze hits. Must be the second mating of the season or something.
Here's one male hummer I named The King Fish because he spent hours ruling the roost at one feeder.
When another hummer dared try feeding from any of the six station on the feeder, he would chase them away.
Here's an intruder (coming in from right center) about to get hammered by The King Fish.
Sometimes he had to contend with as many as four intruders simultaneously. It was comical to watch him trying to keep up with them all.
Here's one male hummer I named The King Fish because he spent hours ruling the roost at one feeder.
When another hummer dared try feeding from any of the six station on the feeder, he would chase them away.
Here's an intruder (coming in from right center) about to get hammered by The King Fish.
Sometimes he had to contend with as many as four intruders simultaneously. It was comical to watch him trying to keep up with them all.
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