
So, Wa and I went to the pediatrician's office today for Kyle to have a routine PKU or PUK or some-such-thing test that involves pricking his heel for a blood sample. What a hoot! He wasn't particularly interested in the test in general and didn't want to bleed on demand in particular.

Accordingly, there were four women (including Mother Wa) surrounding him, doing all kinds of mean and nasty things to make him cry (in order to increase the blood flow). Being the Baby Whisperer with expertise in getting babies to stop crying, I was in shock and offered to obtain the blood sample for them in a more civil manner. They deferred.

Anyhow, after the ordeal was over and I was waiting in the lobby with Kyle while Wa settled up the account, a nice elderly gentleman asked me "How old is YOUR baby?" In total shock once again in less than five minutes, I sputtered something about my GRANDSON being about two weeks old. I could have kissed the man!

Maryland Women -2
Maryland Men +1
Pass the turtle soup, please.


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