Flu Shot 2007

I happened to be in town yesterday, picking up a few provisions at Food Lion, and right there on Isle 5 between the baked beans and canned hams was this lady giving flu shots. She said I would get a discount if I used my MVP card. I inquired as to how good she was with a needle and she assured me that I wouldn't feel a thing.

She was very good.

I handed her my MVP card and a bank debit card, but she was dealing strictly in cash. Now the shot cost $27 and the CFO would never trust me with that much folding money at one time. I told her I reckoned she would have to take the shot back but we couldn't find the needle hole. What are you gonna do? She allowed me to buy the groceries and get enough cash at checkout to pay her.

Turns out that she was a nurse from Raleigh and works for Duke University Hospitals, earning extra money to go to Marde Gras come February by giving flu shots at Food Lions. Sez you can now get arrested by the New Orleans police for showing your you-know-whats for beads. What is the world coming to these days?

My arm is a little sore this morning but so far, so good.


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