Oh! Weihnachtskarte
For Immediate Release
Office of the First Lady
November 30, 2004

Red Room to be Highlighted in 2004 White House Christmas Card
President and Mrs. Bush highlight the Red Room of the White House in the 2004 White House Christmas card. Designed by Cindi Holt of Fort Worth, Texas, the original oil on canvas painting shows the room decorated for the holidays with a cranberry topiary and a glowing fireplace.
The inscription inside the card reads:
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Now, let me see. Elsewhere it says that the card was sent to 200 countries. That leaves 1,999,800 friends and family. As for the family, well, there's two daughters, Mom and Pop, a couple of brothers and their families, various cousins, etc. Oh, what the heck, it's a fairly big family so lets say 800 of the cards went to them. That leaves 1,999,000 cards going to friends.
Now, let me ask you one thing. How does Mr. and Mrs. Dubya remember the names and addresses of 1,999,000 friends?
I didn't receive mine. All I got was a W2 telling me how much Federal tax had been withheld from my paycheck that year. Wonder if the card had a little notice on the back saying that it was printed at an expense to the US Government of $X.XX each"? Just curious. If you received your White House Christmas card and tucked it away for safekeeping with your other valuables, please ckeck for me, would you?
PS: You notice that it said the letters would bear a Crawford, TX postmark but it didn't say who would buy the stamps. At the current rate of $0.41 apiece, the postage would run $820,000. And, that doesn't include the cost of the card, envelopes, addressing, etc. Now, Dubya only earned $400,000 in salary that year as President. Hmmmmm. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
PPS: The press release was made 4 days after the mailing was scheduled.
Office of the First Lady
November 30, 2004

Red Room to be Highlighted in 2004 White House Christmas Card
President and Mrs. Bush highlight the Red Room of the White House in the 2004 White House Christmas card. Designed by Cindi Holt of Fort Worth, Texas, the original oil on canvas painting shows the room decorated for the holidays with a cranberry topiary and a glowing fireplace.
The inscription inside the card reads:
Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. Psalm 95:2 (NIV)President and Mrs. Bush will send out more than 2 million Christmas cards this year to friends, family and foreign dignitaries. The cards, bearing a Crawford, Texas postmark, will be mailed on Friday, November 26, 2004.
May songs of joy fill your home with warmth and your heart with happiness this holiday season. 2004
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Now, let me see. Elsewhere it says that the card was sent to 200 countries. That leaves 1,999,800 friends and family. As for the family, well, there's two daughters, Mom and Pop, a couple of brothers and their families, various cousins, etc. Oh, what the heck, it's a fairly big family so lets say 800 of the cards went to them. That leaves 1,999,000 cards going to friends.
Now, let me ask you one thing. How does Mr. and Mrs. Dubya remember the names and addresses of 1,999,000 friends?
I didn't receive mine. All I got was a W2 telling me how much Federal tax had been withheld from my paycheck that year. Wonder if the card had a little notice on the back saying that it was printed at an expense to the US Government of $X.XX each"? Just curious. If you received your White House Christmas card and tucked it away for safekeeping with your other valuables, please ckeck for me, would you?
PS: You notice that it said the letters would bear a Crawford, TX postmark but it didn't say who would buy the stamps. At the current rate of $0.41 apiece, the postage would run $820,000. And, that doesn't include the cost of the card, envelopes, addressing, etc. Now, Dubya only earned $400,000 in salary that year as President. Hmmmmm. Makes you wonder, doesn't it?
PPS: The press release was made 4 days after the mailing was scheduled.
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