
So yesterday, Kyle was laying around on the blanket his great aunt Martha had made for his mother, Wawa, when she was a baby and I said "Hey, Kyle, how about a hike?"

And, he said "Oh, boy! Great idea, Grandpa." (That's putting words in his mouth, of course, since he does not yet talk in a language we fully comprehend.)

So, he and I lace up our hiking shoes and head out to the American Tobacco Trail. (Ok, his Mom laced up his shoes since right now all he can do with his hands is stuff them in his mouth.)

We went for a nice little hike cut too short by darkness. (So, all right all ready, Wawa and I went for a hike with Kyle in the Baby Bjorn carrier, considering he does not yet walk, much less crawl.)

Alas, all good things must come to an end, and Kyle and Wawa returned to Baltimore today. Here's all the stuff that a modern day mom packs for one small baby!

See you next trip, Spud!


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