Loonie Tunes

We read in this morning's News and Observer that OPEC "let slip" that, in light of the weakness of the US dollars, some discussion is underway about setting the price of crude oil in some currency other than US dollars.

The Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal said "In my feeling, the mere mention that the OPEC countries are studying the issue of the dollar is itself going to have an impact that endangers the interest of the countries." He continued, "... we don't want the dollar to collapse instead of doing something good for OPEC."

These oil producers, you understand, already have so many US dollars that some of them are worried about the value of the US dollar ... even if we aren't.

And, how does the adminstration headed up by Dubya, The Decider, respond? US Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman called on OPEC to increase oil production.

In other words, "Here, please, take increasing more of our increasing worthless dollars as we continue mortgaging the future of our country and our children to fuel our SUV's and monster pickups with products made from crude oil we don't produce."

On the same page of the newspaper is an article entitled "Shoppers see higher gold prices".


How about them Canadian Loonies, eh?


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