First Snow

As I was awaken from my slumber early this morning by Sam's insistent plea to go outside and take care of the call of nature, I noticed a certain lightness through the bedroom window. Could it be?

Yes! The first snow of the season. It's just a dusting, folks, but it's an accumulation of snow all the same.

The top of Buck Mountain over in Virginia seems to have somewhat more. But, as The Donald can attest, it's a little colder on that summit.

Meanwhile, a solitary crow in the tree outside my window watches the deer foraging in the small white pines below. The deer, not more than fifty feet from me, sensed something was amiss and soon headed on down the hill to Dave's Hillside Garden in search of some yummy young apple trees to munch.

And, where are Sam and Murph just now? They are snuggled up in my warm bed as I sit here, cup of coffee in hand, writing this.

Dogs are way smarter than Homo sapiens.


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