The Good News Gazette: Issue 6

Just as I was about to give up on good news in this morning's News & Observer, I found some nestled among the reports of robberies, shootings, embezzlements and such like. Yup. Duke University is giving away reduced-flow shower heads to faculty, staff and off-campus students as a water conservation measure. That, on the heels of the Orange County water officials who gave away similar shower heads at the Christmas Parade last Saturday.

In the event that you haven't driven by a pond or lake of late, the region is in the midst of a severe drought and potable water is in increasing short supply.

(Random Thought: If water is neither being created nor destroyed but rather is being continuously recycled through an evaporation/rain cycle, who is stealing all our water? China? The Coca Cola Company? Or, are folks hoarding the rain water in cisterns?)

Now, reducing the volume of water used in bathing with low-flow shower heads can certainly help in making ends meet with the local water supply. But, personally, I like the idea Barry Saunders gave in yesterday's N&O better. He suggest showering every other day, with your day being determined by whether you street address is odd or even. Just like watering your lawn before that became a no-no.

In addition to saving water, his proposal creates jobs, specifically for "sniffers" (his term) who would go house-to-house ensuring folks are not showing out of turn.

And, of course, his proposal would have the additional benefit of reducing the birth rate, saving the planet from future demands on the water supply.

Barry Saunders, you are one sharp dude!


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