Reverse Knowledge Delay

Some kind of reverse knowledge delay seems to be at work in Italy. Apparently I did something against Italian law with the rental car at 12:55pm on September 8, 2007 for which I didn't become aware until a few days ago, a knowledge lag of some 4 months.

Well, I was aware of what I was doing the instance I did "it", whatever "it" might be and the knowledge lag is actually associated with becoming aware that someone else observed "it" and, as predestined by Italian law, detected "it" as a traffic violation.

If you knowingly drive down the highway at 10kmph over the speed limit in violation of Italian law, the knowledge delay of your violation is zero. However, if you unknowingly do the same, the knowledge delay varies anywhere from infinity if no one else observes it, to the short period of time it takes for the polizia to pull you over and ask for your license. Or, in my case, if they don't pull you over and use the Italian mail system, the reverse knowledge delay can expand to 4 months.

Thus, these reverse knowledge delays seem to always involve you and a second party who observes you.

I don't know about you, but I'm getting downright giddy.


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