Thanks, Tigers!

Now, folks, I don't often write about sports but my heart goes out to all those Ohio State football fans who's Buckeyes lost the NCAA National Football Championship to the LSU Tigers tonight. All fans, that is, with the exception of one of their professed biggest who, in my opinion, is the sorriest excuse for a human being to ever have walked on the face of the earth. Accordingly, I extend my eternal gratitude to the LSU Tigers for giving me so much pleasure by causing this singular fan so much misery.

In the event there might be any misunderstanding, I have nothing against Ohio State with the possible exception of any association they may have had with this scumbag. And, in the event you are an Ohio State fan, if I haven't told you to your face that you don't deserve the air you breathe, it ain't you, babe.

Go Wolverines!


  1. We all know who you are talking about only we still have to endure him!


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