Almost Done

Thanks to help from The Donald, I'm almost done with Thriller's new floors. Just a little shoe molding to go.

As we worked, The Donald introduced me to the radio talk show of Neil Boortz. Seems he's a mouthpiece for the libertarian branch of conservatism. If you haven't listened to him, I can save you a great deal of time. Just repeat "taxes are bad" in your head every thirty seconds for an hour and you've pretty much got it. It's kinda like repeating the Nicene Creed over and over for a month of Sundays to convince yourself that you are a Christian. The good news is that Boortz is not nearly as big a boor as Limbaugh.

Anyhow, as I was driving back to Cary yesterday, I saw a variety of trees in full bloom. White ones ands rose-colored ones, all ready to rock and roll. And, here and there, daffodils are blooming. This morning, as I took Murphy out for his morning constitutional, I encountered ice on the back deck. This time of year must be so confusing to plants.

Even more odd, was the rain I drove though yesterday. Water was actually running down the sides of the street, red with soil from the construction sites. A regular gully washer, it was. I doubt it made even a small dent in Falls Lake, however.

A piece in the News and Observer said the hoteliers were looking for ways to conserve water. The solution? Don't bring diners that glass of drinking water when they order their meals. Make 'em ask for it.

"Taxes are bad."

"Taxes are bad."


"Taxes are bad."


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