Fifth Grade
Seems that in years gone by that the Christian churches in Alleghany County distributed bibles to each and every fifth grader in the Alleghany School System. According to an article in the Alleghany News, each student "had the option to accept a copy of the King James Version of the Bible should they choose."
"Here, Johnny, want a copy of the Bible?"
Now, think about it. You are an child of 11 years age who must make the decision to accept or not in front of your peers without parental guidance.
Anyhow, a mother complained a few years back and the practice was stopped.
Now a fellow named Tommy Hester, accompanied by the Right Reverend Graylen Blevins of the Pine Fork Baptist Church in Laurel Springs, has presented the School Board with a petition signed by 1,836 county residents to resume the practice. Hester, citing Proverbs 22:6, Romans 8:28 and Romans 1:16 said, among other things, "Somebody from Alleghany County one day might be sitting up there in the White House directing the country in the way it should go and I'd like for them to have started with the Bible."
Board Chairman Crouse thanked Hester for expressing his thoughts and referred the matter to the superintendent for follow-up. Superintendent Cox stated that he had already explained school policy to Hester.
And, that should be that. But, if it isn't, I'm going to the school board with a request to distribute a Koran and a copy of the US Constitution to every child in the fifth grade. I gonna tell then that "Somebody from Alleghany County one day might be sitting up there in the White House directing the country in the way it should go and I'd like for them to know that there is more than one religion and that none of them have a place in our government."
Wonder if there is such a thing as a Gideon Koran that I can get for free to give 'em?
Allah ackbar.
"Here, Johnny, want a copy of the Bible?"
Now, think about it. You are an child of 11 years age who must make the decision to accept or not in front of your peers without parental guidance.
Anyhow, a mother complained a few years back and the practice was stopped.
Now a fellow named Tommy Hester, accompanied by the Right Reverend Graylen Blevins of the Pine Fork Baptist Church in Laurel Springs, has presented the School Board with a petition signed by 1,836 county residents to resume the practice. Hester, citing Proverbs 22:6, Romans 8:28 and Romans 1:16 said, among other things, "Somebody from Alleghany County one day might be sitting up there in the White House directing the country in the way it should go and I'd like for them to have started with the Bible."
Board Chairman Crouse thanked Hester for expressing his thoughts and referred the matter to the superintendent for follow-up. Superintendent Cox stated that he had already explained school policy to Hester.
And, that should be that. But, if it isn't, I'm going to the school board with a request to distribute a Koran and a copy of the US Constitution to every child in the fifth grade. I gonna tell then that "Somebody from Alleghany County one day might be sitting up there in the White House directing the country in the way it should go and I'd like for them to know that there is more than one religion and that none of them have a place in our government."
Wonder if there is such a thing as a Gideon Koran that I can get for free to give 'em?
Allah ackbar.
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