Morning After

The sun came up ... once again ... after the power outage.

It came to my attention during the power outage that some of the things running off my UPS were running of the wrong side. That is some things that needed battery power weren't getting it and some things that needed only surge protection were running on auxiliary power. So it was that I unplugged everything, untangled the wires and reconnected things correctly. I was amazed to find that nine line lumps were in use: answering machine, weather station, remote thermostat control, data storage unit, NOAA radio, telephone charger, Ethernet switch, wireless access point, and printer server. Anyhow, two hours later all was sorted out.

Those who watch the weather station know that it has been erratic of late. The sensing unit outside that sends data by wireless means to the receiving unit inside is powered by a solar panel when enough light is available and by a CR-123A lithium battery otherwise. The lithium battery was past its service life. Yes, the Radio Shack had one. Carmen ring it up: $10.66. I carefully explained that I didn't need a ten-pack. $10.66 for one non-rechargeable lithium battery about half the size of your little finger. And, that was the Radio Shack brand!

I had called the manufacturer of the power generator about the bellow that had failed. They had them but would not sell them to me unless I was a dealer. I wasn't. So I call the local dealer in Bristol, VA who doesn't answer the phone. While in town I stopped at one of the two auto parts stores and explained what I needed. Yep, they had some hose that would do the trick and the clerk brought out a 30-foot roll.

"How much you need?"

"Three inches"

The hose was $10.00+ per foot! And, it worked like a charm.

Before putting the final coat of paint on Thriller's TV shelves, I thought best to ask what kind of finish she wanted on them.


I had gloss. The paint store had gloss and mat. So I bought some mat and mixed it with the gloss to produce semi-gloss. Necessity is the mother of invention, they say. Hey, when you drop some one's television set and are paying penance ...

While in town I picked up my prescriptions. Lo and behold, they had all 30 of my brain chemistry pills! Seems they had filled it a week ago to ensure I would get the full amount.

The weather was nice when I got back home and I did more trail maintenance. Trail maintenance, like housework, can never be said to be done. It is, at best, done for for now.

I need a nap.


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