No End in Sight

Over the past two nights the mouser traps have captured five more mice and my big toe. Same big toe that I broke about a year ago when I forgot about the last two steps in the stairwell of the townhouse. Same big toe that already hurts every night.

These most recent victims bring the death toll to seventeen. No wonder that Suzy Q cannot keep up as a part-time mouser. The varmits are multiplying at a rate beyond her physical abilities to eat them!

The dogs have no interest in the mice. However, when a trap does go off with a snap in the middle of the night, Sam does wake with a start and begins barking. This, of course, wakes Murphy who joins in the chorus not having a clue as to what he is barking about. I, too, sometimes hear the snap but forego the barking and think instead "Is there no end in sight?".


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