I'll Be Watching You

We had one of those beautiful sunsets tonight that we often get in summer. So I grabbed Nikon Coolpix No.4 and ran down the hill to make a few photographs.

As I was angling for position and adjusting the lens for telescopy, I accidentally reset the flash to the Auto setting and here's the photograph I got in return.

The arrow (added by me) points to an unexpected white light in the upper right corner.

Here it is at maximum resolution.

What is it? My first guess was a a pair of prying eyes. But I can see only one. Maybe a firefly. But the wrong color. Looks a little like a hummingbird in flight. But it's much brighter than the leaves.

Therefore, the only logical conclusion I can draw is that it is a ghost watching me as I made the photographs. And, sure enough, a quick Google of ghost types reveals it to be a common ghost called a bhoot.

This image is a great deal more scary than our little Air Bellows bhoot which I suspect is a candlefly in flight somewhere between the camera and the tree!


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