Feeding the Critters

I milked Billy the other day and, as always, she was mighty hungry afterwards. So, I made her up another batch of feed. Now, she's got something of a sweet tooth and I used all the sugar I had in her new feed.

Today I noticed the hummingbirds feeders were running out of food which, of course, is nothing but sugar water. So it was that I rode into town this afternoon to buy a bag of sugar.

I saw the fuel gage on the scooter was indicating the tank was half empty and decided that while I was in town I would fill up ...

Hey, wait a minute. The Gator 150 doesn't have a tag. OK. Henceforth the scooter is called Big Alli.

... Big Alli with gasoline. The first place I stopped wanted me to prepay if using cash. I drove on to the second place which didn't and topped off the tank with $3.08 of 93-octane gasoline. (Big Alli, you understand, it a high performance machine with a high-compression engine and doesn't run very well on regular short-burning 87-octane fuel.) The cashier thanked me for my purchase and I returned to Whitehead on Big Alli with a full tummy and a sack of sugar stowed in the apple box.


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