The Buck Stops Here

Legal Notice
The Alleghany News
July 17, 2008

The Laurel Springs Volunteer Fire Department would like to inform the public that due to the rise in the cost of fuel for the department trucks and volunteers attending calls, the LSVFD Board has elected, on a trial basis, to purchase gas and diesel fuel to reimburse volunteers on a per call basis in the amount of 2 to 3 gallons. Volunteers are opting to only attend major calls due to this increased cost, which will lead to a safety concern for our community. The Board wants to prevent any decrease in the quality of services already provided and assure continued volunteer participation.

FURTHER, The Laurel Springs Volunteer Fire Department regrets to announce that due to the rising costs of chicken and supplies in the preparation and cooking of chicken at the Chicken BBQ's, there will be an increase in the cost for a whole chicken to $8.00 and a half-chicken at $4.50.


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