Weather Report

Some of you may remember the weather forecast made by Adrian Cronauer (played by Robin Williams) in the movie "Good Morning Vietnam":

The weather out there today is hot and shitty with continued hot and shitty in the afternoon. Tomorrow a chance of continued crappy with a pissy weather front coming down from the north. Basically, it's hotter than a snake's ass in a wagon rut.
Well, let me tell you, that forecast also applies to the Research Triangle area of North Carolina these days. It's 11:11 in the morning and the temperature is 88°F with a dew point of 72°F. The forecast says it should feel like it's 96°F outdoors.

They are wrong.

Outdoors feels like 106°F and I feel like a snake in a wagon rut. Hell, I took the dogs to the dog park this morning and they wanted to come home!

Now the folks at all these publications that list Raleigh and Cary as one of the best places to live in the United States obviously have never set foot in these bergs on summer days like these. Otherwise we would be ranked right in there with Death Valley and certain sovereign states in Southeast Asia.

Turn off the air conditions and Cary would become a ghost town in very short order.

Hot and shitty I don't need.


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