
Must be the weather or something, but critters aren't of the mind to move these days.

This is about as close to a ruffled grouse as you are ever going to get unless it's either (a) flying or (b) dead. It was in Waterfall Road this morning and was not intimidated by the Jeep at all. It took me a while to figure out that she had chicks, nearly full grown, on both sides of the road (in black circles). Only after the chick on the right crossed the road did she disappear into the woods.

This doe was in the field across the road from the house when I returned from town on Buster. I stopped, turned off the engine, turned on my camera and it just kept eating. I finally had to whistle to get it to lift its head. Snap! And, then it just went back to eating. Only when I cranked Buster did it move into the cover of the woods behind it.


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