German Johnsons

Behold the might German Johnson tomato from the Hillside Garden!

The German Johnson, a heirloom tomato from right here in North Carolina, is one of the ugliest tomatoes on the planet but folks like me keep on planting 'em because they are also one of the best tasting tomatoes on the planet. They also get big, reaching a pound or more. It's the foundation tomato for the famous hybrid Beefsteak tomato.

This one, about a half pound in size, will end up on a BLT tomorrow. But first, Big Alli and I need to go into town for some mayonnaise. Tomato season is tough on mayonnaise, you understand!

When I die don't bury me
In a box in a cold dark cemetery
Out in the garden would be much better
Where I could be pushin' up home grown tomatoes
Home grown tomatoes, home grown tomatoes
What'd life be without home grown tomatoes
There's only two things that money can't buy
That's true love and home grown tomatoes.

Guy Clark "Home Grown Tomato"


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