
I'd like to introduce you to Thurmond, the fifth and latest resident in Stone Lake.

At a cost of $0.75, Thurmond is a kinda expensive addition but he or she is a good exercise in existentialism. I bought Thurmond at the Foothills Grocery in, well, Thurmond, NC. That's the store where they sell you anything from horse feed to really great chicken-liver lunches. They also sell fishing supplies, including gold fish in small, medium and large sizes for use as bait for catching carp. So it was that I saved Thurmond, a small bait fish some 3 inches in length, from almost certain death in a carp pond and condemned him to life in a tiny goldfish pond. I'm not certain which is the worse of the two but, whichever it was, Thurmond had absolutely no free will in his fate.

Welcome aboard, Thurmond!


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