Bad Day for Murphy
Murphy was struck by an automobile this afternoon on the road in front of the house. Our first impression was that his left leg was shattered. It wasn't.

The bundle of nerves leading to the left leg were traumatized by the impact, leaving the leg paralyzed. He is in the veterinarian hospital tonight after being treated for the damaged nerves. There is a chance, unfortunately, that the nerves will not heal themselves. If that happens and feeling is not restored, the leg will become an attached chew bone (self mutilation), get infected and require amputation. Let's hope that doesn't come to pass.
The bandage is for a minor cut in the skin on Murphy's paw. The hair was shaved to find the veins for making injections.
More tomorrow.

The bundle of nerves leading to the left leg were traumatized by the impact, leaving the leg paralyzed. He is in the veterinarian hospital tonight after being treated for the damaged nerves. There is a chance, unfortunately, that the nerves will not heal themselves. If that happens and feeling is not restored, the leg will become an attached chew bone (self mutilation), get infected and require amputation. Let's hope that doesn't come to pass.
The bandage is for a minor cut in the skin on Murphy's paw. The hair was shaved to find the veins for making injections.
More tomorrow.
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