Greensboro Gag
I've been driving through "Death Valley" in Greensboro with some regularity since the middle 1960's. Shown here in red, it was the way past Greensboro on I-40 and I-85. It was also the source of countless instances of crashes, traffic jams and road rage. It was a route you planned NOT to take of Friday afternoons after 3:00.

Alas, the new Urban Loop opened a few months ago, taking I-40 and I-85 traffic south of the city, Shown here in green, this new route was a breath of fresh air and unimpeded traffic.
We know learn, however, that I-40 will once again be directed through Death Valley. Why? Seems that when I-40 was moved from Death Valley to the Urban Loop, the Greensboro area lost about $3 million in Federal interstate maintenance money. Accordingly, the NC DOT will spend $300,000 to move the I-40 signs back to Death Valley!
You can, of course, still take the Urban Loop but you will need to follow the signs that read "To I-85" and "To I-40".
Ah! Don't you love bureaucracy?

Alas, the new Urban Loop opened a few months ago, taking I-40 and I-85 traffic south of the city, Shown here in green, this new route was a breath of fresh air and unimpeded traffic.
We know learn, however, that I-40 will once again be directed through Death Valley. Why? Seems that when I-40 was moved from Death Valley to the Urban Loop, the Greensboro area lost about $3 million in Federal interstate maintenance money. Accordingly, the NC DOT will spend $300,000 to move the I-40 signs back to Death Valley!
You can, of course, still take the Urban Loop but you will need to follow the signs that read "To I-85" and "To I-40".
Ah! Don't you love bureaucracy?
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