Modern Wellness
Folks, I've apparently lived a sheltered life while hanging out in the 'burbs and working to make stockholders a good return on their investments in the two companies that employed me over my professional career. Since retirement, however, I've learned there is a whole other world out there.
Take, for example, today a lunch.
As I partook of a Whopper, fries and a Coca-Cola at a Burger King in Cary, I was reading a free copy of the 50th issue of Change Works which advertises itself as "a wellness directory of resources for body, mind and spirit." By the time I reached page 5, you could have knocked me over with a feather.
All my life, you understand, I have been lead to believe that wellness was a matter of visiting your medical doctor and doing whatever he or she said to do.
No way!
In Change Works I learned that I've been missing a plethora of paths to wellness.
At Medicine Tree Natural Health Center over in Durham I could have been receiving naturopathy, iridology, herbology, homeopathy, clinical hypnotherapy, reflexology, shiatsu massage, cignet thermopeutic massage, acupressure, and neural linguistic programming.
At Healing Connections in Carrboro they offer Chi Nei Tsang holistic therapy, an effective and powerful method of moving physical and emotional baggage from the abdomen.
Lorraine Lewis, also in Carrboro, offers the Trager Approach consisting of "tablework and mentastics (self-cure movements) that explore our capability to move freely, effortlessly and gracefully, " a pleasurable way of relieving stress and tension.
Carol Verner, Carrboro again, specializes in somatic coaching, craniosacrial therapy and mind-body integration.
Patricia Pinto, Chapel Hill, does kinesis myofascial integration to "restore structural balance, ease of movement and a feeling of 'fitting' into your skin. She can also do visceral manipulation and lymphatic drainage if you so desire.
Vickie Penninger, Raleigh, is a reiki master, crystal energy therapist, shamatic practitioner and mesa holder in the Incan lineage. According to Vickie, she can use quantum clearing to release barriers and trauma rapidly and permanently "at the subatomic level where energy becomes matter."
Jaime Chandra Kozlowski, Pittsboro, does hot stone therapy.
Gabrielle R.L. Diamante performs colon cleansing. She works for Internal Fitness in Raleigh and their motto is "Your colon is a muscle. Out staff helps you move a muscle — from beginning to end".
Gene Dotson, of Future Healing Traditions, practices an integration of Taoist, Tibetan, Egyptian, and American Indian healing traditions with advanced energy healing, cosmic healing, auricular medicine, esoteric healing, radionics and modern electromagnetic and laser technology. He makes use of herbs, homeopathics, gemstones and crystals, star remedies, minerals, color, light, sound and presence. He also has 30 years experience in chi gong healing and always checks his services for purity and effectiveness by reading the individual's aura.
Cori Roth can give you a holistic organic facial. She is a licensed esthetician and certified Dr. Hauschka esthetician.
Laurie Thorp is a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner and she perceives, regulates and makes adjustments to the subtle energy field of her clients, thereby clearing the field of stagnant energy, strengthening of the field that are weak and repairing areas that have been damaged by physical energy or emotional trauma.
Lou Umscheid is a colon hydrotherapist who, for only $80, will give you a "colonic" that is helpful for ridding you of "constipation, sluggish eliminations and fecal buildup".
Honestly, folks. Do you think I could possibly make up any of this stuff?
Take, for example, today a lunch.
As I partook of a Whopper, fries and a Coca-Cola at a Burger King in Cary, I was reading a free copy of the 50th issue of Change Works which advertises itself as "a wellness directory of resources for body, mind and spirit." By the time I reached page 5, you could have knocked me over with a feather.
All my life, you understand, I have been lead to believe that wellness was a matter of visiting your medical doctor and doing whatever he or she said to do.
No way!
In Change Works I learned that I've been missing a plethora of paths to wellness.
At Medicine Tree Natural Health Center over in Durham I could have been receiving naturopathy, iridology, herbology, homeopathy, clinical hypnotherapy, reflexology, shiatsu massage, cignet thermopeutic massage, acupressure, and neural linguistic programming.
At Healing Connections in Carrboro they offer Chi Nei Tsang holistic therapy, an effective and powerful method of moving physical and emotional baggage from the abdomen.
Lorraine Lewis, also in Carrboro, offers the Trager Approach consisting of "tablework and mentastics (self-cure movements) that explore our capability to move freely, effortlessly and gracefully, " a pleasurable way of relieving stress and tension.
Carol Verner, Carrboro again, specializes in somatic coaching, craniosacrial therapy and mind-body integration.
Patricia Pinto, Chapel Hill, does kinesis myofascial integration to "restore structural balance, ease of movement and a feeling of 'fitting' into your skin. She can also do visceral manipulation and lymphatic drainage if you so desire.
Vickie Penninger, Raleigh, is a reiki master, crystal energy therapist, shamatic practitioner and mesa holder in the Incan lineage. According to Vickie, she can use quantum clearing to release barriers and trauma rapidly and permanently "at the subatomic level where energy becomes matter."
Jaime Chandra Kozlowski, Pittsboro, does hot stone therapy.
Gabrielle R.L. Diamante performs colon cleansing. She works for Internal Fitness in Raleigh and their motto is "Your colon is a muscle. Out staff helps you move a muscle — from beginning to end".
Gene Dotson, of Future Healing Traditions, practices an integration of Taoist, Tibetan, Egyptian, and American Indian healing traditions with advanced energy healing, cosmic healing, auricular medicine, esoteric healing, radionics and modern electromagnetic and laser technology. He makes use of herbs, homeopathics, gemstones and crystals, star remedies, minerals, color, light, sound and presence. He also has 30 years experience in chi gong healing and always checks his services for purity and effectiveness by reading the individual's aura.
Cori Roth can give you a holistic organic facial. She is a licensed esthetician and certified Dr. Hauschka esthetician.
Laurie Thorp is a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner and she perceives, regulates and makes adjustments to the subtle energy field of her clients, thereby clearing the field of stagnant energy, strengthening of the field that are weak and repairing areas that have been damaged by physical energy or emotional trauma.
Lou Umscheid is a colon hydrotherapist who, for only $80, will give you a "colonic" that is helpful for ridding you of "constipation, sluggish eliminations and fecal buildup".
Honestly, folks. Do you think I could possibly make up any of this stuff?
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