Bob Barr for President

My presidential candidate was on the campaign trail in Durham yesterday. His message was that the only difference between Obama and McCain is the way they will dole out public money. He is, of course, dead on the mark.

Running a national campaign on chump change, Barr is trailing both Obama and McCain in the polls by 40-50 percentage points and his chances of election are, well, dismal. It's just another unfortunate example of the realities of American politics.

But, you know, I'm still going to vote for him anyhow. I cannot vote for McCain, not with the very real possibility (considering his age and health) of a Palin presidency. I need not vote for Obama who I now believe, even without discounting the Bradley effect, will win hands down. And, last but not least, Barr is the presidential candidate with political views most like my own.

So, thanks for the effort, Bob, and don't give up the fight for the return of the precious liberties stolen from the American people by the George W. Bush administration.


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