Claude McKinney
Claude, the artist, educator and designer of many things North Carolina over the past half century died yesterday. He was truly a modern Renaissance man and I admire that.
In the event that you may have missed his obituary in the newly diminutive and increasingly poorly-proofed-of-late Noise and Disturber today, the first two lines are repeated here.
In the event that you may have missed his obituary in the newly diminutive and increasingly poorly-proofed-of-late Noise and Disturber today, the first two lines are repeated here.
Claude E. McKinney passed through this life into his next journey on November 11, 2008, in the loving embrace of his wife Mimi, and his family. His humble and gentle spirit is now in his beloved Blue Ridge Mountains.Welcome home, Claude. May your spirit be in peace and harmony with the Nûñnë'hï and Yûñwï Tsunsdi' and all the other spirits of the mountains.
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